From the simplest 4 square up to a full MUGA we have the experience and expertise to install any court or pitch on playgrounds requested (including netball, football, basketball, tennis, short tennis, hockey, cricket, korfball, badminton, rounders).

We have listed a few of the most popular variations available, though (as always) we will be delighted to receive your suggestions and create courts to enable you to obtain the best possible result and use of your playground area (there is no additional charge for this).

See Gallery Below

These markings are supplied and installed using the brightest, vibrant colours, the highest possible quality and hardest wearing preformed thermoplastic material available.

All sizes quoted are approximate, colours and illustrations are for guidance only and may vary for application purposes.

IQ Facts

Basketball / Netball
Basketball is said to have been devised in the USA in 1891 at the School for Christian  Workers (later called the YMCA).
Female teachers got curious and devised a format for girls but as the dress code at the time prohibited the girls from making important basketball moves the game had to be modified and therefore Netball was born.

Our netball and basketball courts are installed using the same hard wearing, vibrant colour preformed thermoplastic as per all our range of playground markings.

Obviously the most popular size is the standard range; however we can increase or decrease the size of the basketball or netball courts to suit the size of your playground area.

Any standard colours can be used to create 1 court or – if more than 1 court is to be installed (multi-court) we recommend using a combination of 2 colours to depict each court.

There is no extra charge for using other colours than white and yellow.

Documented evidence of an activity resembling football can be found in a Chinese military manual compiled between the 3rd century and 1st century BC. It describes a practice known as ‘cuju’ which literally means ‘kick ball’ and involved kicking a leather ball through a small hole in a piece of silk cloth which was fixed on bamboo canes and hung about 9 m above ground.

From that time numerous versions of the game football have been referred to, even the origination of the professional game between 618-907 during the Tang Dynasty in China.
It is known that many countries from around the world played variations on the game, including the Ancient Greeks and Romans and more recently in the middle ages when Shrovetide football matches were played throughout England and Europe – but few had rules similar to those we see today!

The standard colour (do we have ‘standard colours’ for playground markings?!) for football is usually white but as suggested we are quite prepared to use any colour to give the maximum impact to the playground area and to ensure the children get the greatest use and pleasure from using the courts.

Did you know tennis was developed as a blend of rackets and pelota (Basque ball game) in Birmingham in 1872?

The inventors then created the first tennis club in Leamington Spa and in 1884 the first tennis tournaments were held in the grounds of Shrubland Hall.

The first Wimbledon championships were then played in 1877 with significant debates on how the rules should be standardized and improved.

Not only do we install standard tennis courts, we also install short tennis courts.
The short tennis version is very popular for enabling the school to have a number of courts within the playground area to achieve maximum input from as many pupils as possible.

We would also like to stress that short tennis can be combined with netball courts or basketball courts so making as much use as possible for the playground space available.

Rounders originates in England from around the Tudor times with the earliest reference being made in 1745 where it was referred to as Baseball!

We can install rounders in 2 formats, either just with the rounders bases or with the bases and lines to form a full rounders game.

Again rounders can be installed using any colours in the range.

Again cricket can be linked back to Tudor times, though there is speculation that a game called ‘creag’ was played as early as 1301 in Kent.

During the 17th century playing cricket became popular in the south-east of England with a newspaper report referring to “a great cricket match” with eleven players a side that was played for high stakes in Sussex in 1697.

In the 18th century cricket became the national sport of England.

We install various versions of cricket markings from simple creases through cricket practice stations through to our cricket match pitch.

Our sizes are reduced to fit in with younger children using the markings, though we are willing to work to your requests and suggestions.

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