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The UK Government’s £320 million PE and Sport Premium funding package is set to continue for the 2020 to 2021 academic year.  If you are not one of the many schools that have taken advantage of this funding to create the perfect outdoor play environment for your pupils then call us now and we will take you through the process and help you to create the perfect design.

Why not incorporate the “Daily Mile” requirements in a new design? It’s the perfect opportunity to transform your play areas to add healthy messages and to stimulate children’s play and social development.

The existing Sport Premium guidelines permit a significant amount of flexibility in how the PE and sport premium can be used and this covers playground markings and sports court markings. Your school can use the available funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of your physical education, physical activity and sport.

Specifically your school can use the funding to develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport that you provide by building capacity and capability to ensure that improvements made will benefit both current pupils and also those joining the school in future.

There are 5 indicators to be aware of:

  • Targeted activities to involve and encourage the least active children
  • Encourage active play during breaks and at lunch
  • Establishing, extending or funding attendance of school sports and holiday clubs or broadening the variety of those currently offered
  • Adopt an active mile initiative

PE and Sports Premium spending is monitored by OFSTED. Playground markings are the ideal way to spend PE and Sports Premium funding as they  can be used by pupils of all ages and are a key part of break and playtimes.

We have extensive experience of playground redesign projects, several of which have been funded by Sports Premium and we are here to take you through the process. From sports courts to traditional playground games and Daily Mile tracks we can provide a stunning solution for you to be proud of.

With lots of schools are able to transfer their remaining and unused budget through to the next academic year due to the covid pandemic, your playground markings project is ready to go.

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