Though we pride ourselves with the application of playground games and markings we do supply an extensive range of wall activities to make use of the vertical along with the horizontal surfaces of the playground.

These activities can be educational or purely for the children’s enjoyment and all are manufactured from the highest quality material available.

Wall Panels
Our panels are made from HDPE (don’t worry! – it stands for High Density Polyethylene).

What is HDPE?
To you and me it’s similar to the material the chopping board in your kitchen is made from and as you will therefore know it will not succumb to everyday knocks and bumps.

Can’t see what you want?
The range you see here is a brief selection of the most popular wall activities, however we can manufacture virtually anything you require – the only restriction is that a standard HDPE wall panel can only be manufactured in 2 colours.

Educational Panels
IQ supply a full range of educational panels including all times tables, 1-100 grids, a-z lower case, A-Z upper case, a combination of both, shapes, number/letter tasks etc. etc.
We can even supply panels to help tell the time, see what today’s date is, use a map and even teach how to use a compass.

Fun Panels
Moving away from educational panels we enter the fun part of the range where the children can play various games mounted on the wall.

Again manufactured in HDPE, these panels are extremely tough and robust.

Activity Panels
Whether is counting, noughts and crosses, music or other, our range of activity panels can suit most needs – however, if you can’t see what you want here give us a call.

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